It’s that time of your site’s journey – selling your domain name. Believe it or not, there’s an entire market out there for domain buying and selling. It’s like the e-version of real estate, with domain names instead of homes. We’re talking hundreds of thousands – even millions.
Sounds pretty lucrative, doesn’t it? It is – any Google search will tell you that.
But (and this is a big one)… some domain names are flat-out unsellable. You can’t do anything with them no matter how many “tricks” you have up your sleeve.
However, once you know the right tricks you need up your sleeve… the chances of selling your domain name(s) increases. A lot. Like “make good money” a lot.
(If you have a domain name just sitting around and don’t want to sell it, is more than willing to create an affordable and professional website for you!)
Here are just a few things you need to know to sell your domain name for excellent prices.
1. Tell People You’re Selling Your Domain
Indicating that the domain is for sale, whether through the home page or redirection, is the surefire way to get prospective buyers to contact you. Get business done. Make a deal and sign the domain over.The thing you want to do is to make it as easy as possible for people to see that the domain is up for grabs – at a price, of course. One way to do this is to craft a nifty landing page.
2. Set A Fixed Price And Stand Your Ground
Cement your feet into the ground if you have to; people want easy, right? What easier way to say your domain is selling for $200 – buyers, seeing a flat rate price, fixed, will buy your domain faster than negotiating prices.3. Study Psychology
Okay, retail psychology, to be precise. But still! Do you know why you see a lot of stores and companies list “$19” or “$27.99” on their goods?To fool people into thinking they’re paying less; customers feel like they’re getting a deal. I know they do – I did before I realized what was actually happening.
Bonus: if you want to go even farther, some retail psychologists swear that the number 7 outdraws many prices. $17, $57, $97, etc. Does it? Only one way to find out! (Hint: A/B testing)
4. Give Value
Get some idea of what your name’s worth – this will not only help you set a good price, but give prospects an inkling of the value of your name.That goes with any service or product. Again, retail psychology: make it seem more valuable!
5. Visit Domain Auction Sites
Learn what the big boys are doing, and then study them. Relentlessly. If you haven’t purchased a few test domains for yourself, why not try? You can’t see what the chef makes without being in the kitchen.6. Create A Landing Page
Your plan is to sell your domain, right? People hardly buy something just because it’s there – you need to sell them on why they should buy your domain.What’s the best way to do that? Take a course in domain name copywriting!
7. Connect
There are so much more things that go into selling domains… but above all, the most important tip (note: rule) is this: get your domain in front of the buyer.You can do this almost seamlessly by listing your name in domain selling networks. Hundreds of thousands of people (who trust the network) will see your domain. And, hopefully, do business with you.
Meaning you just worked your way up to the big leagues!
But the buck doesn’t stop here. There are even more things you can do to make sure your domain sells for good money.